Oden is a popular wintertime stew. So popular, in fact, that convenience stores have open pots during the cold months and my friends and I often go there for a warm bowl when we get hungry. There are many ingredients in oden: eggs, daikon, potato, konnyaku, tofu fish cake, meat ball, chicken, pork, and beef. Each family has its own special recipe, so it is fun to try at your friend’s house.
Yield: 4 servings
Time: 1 hour
- 1/2 lb thinly sliced chicken, cut into bite-sizes
- 2 eggs (boiled)
- 2 potatoes (quartered)
- 1/2 lb daikon, 1/4″ slices
- 1/2 lb konnyaku (cut into 8 triangles)
- 1/2 lb atsuage (cut into 8 triangles)
- 1/4 lb chikuwa (cut in half)
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 2 tbsp sake
- 2 tbsp mirin
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 8g hon-dashi
(soup stock powder)
- Put daikon and potato in 5 cups water in a pot
- When the water boils, add konnyaku and chicken and cook for 10 mins on high
- Skim the scum
- Add atsuage, boiled egg, chikuwa and boil for 10 mins over medium heat
- Add soy sauce, sake, mirin, sugar, and hondashi, then heat for 20 mins on low
- Serve and enjoy!